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Very like the European Ptycomitrum pusillum; but that species has the teeth of its peristome divided, above their broad lanceolate-deltoid base, into two unequal filiform crura.

TAB. 39.—Ptychomitrium incurvum.

1. Plantæ naturali magnitudine.
2. Planta fertilis.
3. 4. Folia caulina.
5, 7. Areolatio folii baseos.
6. Eadem apicis.
8. Sectiones transversales folii.
9. Capsula calyptrata.
10. Capsula deoperculata.
11. Pcristomii dentes qnatuor.
12. Sectio verticalis pcristomii.
13. Operculum.
14. Inflorescentia.
15. Folium perigoniale cum antheridiis.
16. Folium perigoniale.