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the pedicel is longer than the capsule; the leaves are long-lanceolate, the costa reaching to the summit only of their lamina. The infloresence also is different, being dioicous.

TAB. 45.—Coscinodon Wrightii.

1, 2. Plantæ et ramus masculus avulsus, naturali magnitudine.
3. Planta capsulifera cum ramo masculine
4. 5, 6. Folia.
7. Folium areolationem monstrans.
8, 9. Sectiones transversales folii.
10. Capsula calyptrata.
11. Capsula operculata.
12. Capsula absque operculo.
13. Particula peristomii annulati.
14. Calvptræ sectio transversalis.
15. Folia perigonialia et antheridia cum paraphysi.
16. Antheridium et paraphysis.