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The form of the capsule, and the absence of teeth on the lower surface of the lamina of the leaf, are among the most obvious characters of this very distinct species.

TAB. 46.—Atriciium crispum

1. Plantæ naturali magnitudine.
2. Planta fertilis.
3. Eadem mascula.
4. 5. Folia caulina.
6, 7. Folia perigonialia.
8. Apex areolatus folii caulinis.
9. Cellulaa basilares.
10, 11. Sectiones transversales folii.
12. Capsula operculata et calyptrata.
13. Eadem absque ealyptra.
14. Operculum.
15. Ejusdem rostri sectiones transversales.
16. Peristoinium cum opiphragmite.
17. Pars peristomii.
18. Calyptra.
19. Apex ejusdem.
20. Pilum ejusdem.