Shall Israel thro' long varied years
These memories cherish yet,
And we who lately stood redeemed
Our broken chains forget?
These memories cherish yet,
And we who lately stood redeemed
Our broken chains forget?
Should we forget the wondrous change
That to our people came,
When justice rose and sternly plead
Our cause with sword and flame?
That to our people came,
When justice rose and sternly plead
Our cause with sword and flame?
And led us through the storms of war
To freedom's fairer shore,
When slavery sank beneath a flood
Whose waves were human gore.
To freedom's fairer shore,
When slavery sank beneath a flood
Whose waves were human gore.
Oh, youth and maidens of the land,
Rise up with one accord,
And in the name of Christ go forth
To battle for the Lord.
Rise up with one accord,
And in the name of Christ go forth
To battle for the Lord.
Go forth, but not in crimson fields,
With fratricidal strife,
But in the name of Christ go forth
For freedom, love and life.
With fratricidal strife,
But in the name of Christ go forth
For freedom, love and life.
Go forth to follow in his steps,
Who came not to destroy,
Till wastes shall blossom as the rose,
And deserts sing for joy.
Who came not to destroy,
Till wastes shall blossom as the rose,
And deserts sing for joy.