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The Circus—Interscholastic
Throng the many curious, pleasure loving thousands
To where the huge stadium casts its jewels of light
Upon the black screen of night.
From the high schools scattered thruout the state
Come these young people in the month of May
To compete in sports and join the hospitable Illinois students
In rollicking fun, ending in the great circus
Staged for their benefit.

Bursts of music, cheers and laughter!
Here comes the parade led by the band playing "Barnum and Bailey's Favorite,"
In full regalia,—orange pom-pons, belts and dress cords.
Into the rings sweep huge, grotesque, shambling shapes,
Comical clowns, dashing riders, marvelous acrobats;
A motley fleet of gun-boats and bright-hued motor cars,
Coasting and careening in and out.
Bewildering array!