Page:Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 2.djvu/195

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Div. III. C oreopside.e. Capitula heterogamous, fio- rds of the ray neuter. Achania beakless, pappus some- times 2 or 4 bristles, sometimes consisting of squamelloz and bristles.

58. Helianthus (Lin. D. C. Prod. 5-585). Capi- tula many-flowered, heterogamous; ray florets ligu- late, neuter, 1 series ; disk ones tubular, hermaphrodite. Branches of the style appendiculate. Achaenia laterally compressed or obsolately 4-angled. Pappus 2 crown- like scales. — Herbaceous plants with opposite, sometimes alternate leaves. Capitula large. Involucre irregularly imbricated. Receptacle flat or convex. Corolla of the disk short, throat dilated. Flowers yellow. [This genus scarcely merits a place in the Indian Flora, but as it is every where cultivated and is supposed by many to be an Indian plant, I have introduced it here.]

Div. IV. BidentejE. Capitula heterogamous, florets of the ray neuter, rarely homogamous, discoid. Achcenia beaked at the apex, usually prolonged into 1-4 awns beset with retrorse prickles.

59. Bidens (Lin. D. C. 5-593). Capitula either ho- mogamous, discoid, or radiate, with the florets of the ray ligulate, neuter. Achaenia more or less obcom- pressed, surmounted by an aculeate beak, ending in 2-5 rigid, retrorsely-hispid bristles. Herbaceous an- nuals with opposite often divided leaves. Involucre 2 series, scales of each either similar or dissimilar. Receptacle flat, paleaceous. Flowers usually yellow, in one purple. A widely distributed genus.

Div. V. Verbesine-3:. Capitula heterogamous, florets of the ray ligulate, female rarely homogamous, discoid. Achania with their bark usually compressed or obcompress- ed, bald, or prolonged into as many rigid awns as there are angles, rarely surmounted by pappus.

60. Spilanthes (Jacq. D. C. 5-620, R. W. Icon. 1109). Capitula sometimes heterogamous, with the florets of the ray ligulate, female; sometimes homoga- mous, all the florets hermaphrodite, tubular 4-5-toothed. Branches of the style of the hermaphrodite florets truncated, penicilate. Achaenia of the disk compress- ed, often ciliate on the edges. — Herbaceous annuals with opposite leaves, peduncles 1-cephalous. Capitula ovate or conical. Involucre adpressed, 2 series, snorter than the disk, exterior ones foliaceous. Flowers yellow. Plants usually pungent sialagoges. Common weeds, especially in shady places and in alpine or sub-alpine pastures.

61. Ximersia (Cav. D. C. 5-627). Capitula many- flowered, heterogamous ; florets of the ray female, ligu- late, 1 series; of the disk hermaphrodite, tubular, 5- toothed. Tube of the corolla hispid. Branches of the disk styles appendiculate at the apex. Achaenia com- pressed, winged, deeply emarginate, subpilose, biar- istate; aristae cohering with the sides of the wings. — Herbaceous annuals with opposite or alternate, dentate leaves. Petioles winged and auricled at the base. Capitula loosely corymbose. Receptacle convex, palea- ceous. Paleae membranaceous, lanceolate. Flowers yellow. [D. C. seems not to regard this as an Indian genus: but as I have, apparently, native specimens, which may however have been introduced, I give it a place in this list.] Palamcotta.

62. Chrysanthellum (Rich. D. C. 5-630). Capitula radiate, ligulae 1 series, female, linear, bidentate ; disk hermaphrodite, 5-toothed. Branches of the style in the hermaphrodite florets appendiculate. Achaenia bald, exterior ones oblong, emarginate or with a short car- tilaginous wing on each side. — Herbaceous annuals : branches 1-cephalous at the apex. Capitula small. Involucre 2 series, scales of the exterior ones shorter, interior 10, somewhat coloured. Receptacle flat, with linear paleae. Flowers yellow. Sukanugur.

63. Glossocardia (Cass. D. C. 5-631, R. W. Icon. 1110). Capitula few-flowered, florets of the ray 1-2 or 0, female ; of the disk hermaphrodite, tubular, 4-toothed. Achaenia of the disk obcompressed, very villous on the 4 angles, somewhat 2-winged, crowned with 2 rigid, smooth bristles from the lateral angles. — Herbaceous, diffuse plants with alternate pinnatifid leaves. Involu- cre oblong, imbricated. Receptacle covered with nar- row, membranaceous paleae. Capitula short peduncled : flowers yellow. A small weed common on pastures and waste grounds. Frequent in Coimbatore.

64. Glossogyne (Cass. D. C. 5-632). Capitula heter- ogamous, florets of the ray ligulate, female ; of the disk, hermaphrodite. Styles of the hermaphrodite short, elongated into two long, rough stigmas. Achaenia linear, angled, bearing two retrorsely hispid bristles. — Erect, glabrous herbs, with alternate, pinnatifid leaves con- gested near the base; stems nearly naked. Capitula erect, ebracteolate. Involucre short, adpressed, 2 series. Receptacle paleolate. Flowers yellow. In arid jun- gles under the shelter of stunted shrubbery, rather ex- tensively diffused over the Peninsula.

Sub-tribe. Fla verier. Capitula heterogamous, one- or few-flowered, densely aggregated, female floivers some- times solitary, sometimes in several series, or homogamous, mixed with former. Achcenia bald. Receptacle in the few-flowered capitula epaleate, in the many-flowered ones, paleaceous.

65. Enhydra (Lour. D. C. 5-636). Capitula hetero- gamous, all the florets wrapped in a folded palea ; ex- terior ones many series, female ; interior hermaphrodite, sterile ; tube of the ray florets filiform, of the disk sub- conical; limb of the ray sub-ligulate 3-4-cleft, of the disk 5-cleft. Stigmas exserted, revolute, rough towards the apex. Achaenia bald, erostrate, altogether wrapped in the palea. — Aquatic, rooting, opposite-leaved herbs, with axillary capitula. Receptacle small, flattish. Paleae as if 2-valved, connivent. Involucre 4-leaved, two op- posite, larger. Flowers white. Bengal, Java, Cochin China.

Sub-tribe. TAGETiNEiE. Capitula heterogamous iviih female ray florets, or homogamous discoid. Involua-e usually one series or gamophyllus. Receptacle epaleaceous. Achcenia erostrate attenuated at the base. Pappus aristate rarely bristled. Leaves opposite and ivith the involucre pellucedo-glandulose. [To this sub-tribe the common French Marigold belongs.]

Div. II. Porophyt,le.e. Capitula discoid, corolla of the disk unequally cleft. Branches of the style prolonged, subulate. Pappus setose, several series.

66. Porophyllum (Vaill. D. C. Prod. 5-647). Capi- tula many-flowered, homogamous. Corolla regular, 5-6-