Page:Illustrations of Indian Botany, Vol. 2.djvu/199

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concreted into a ring at the base. — A herbaceous, un- armed plant, radicle leaves pinnatifid. Capitula short, peduncled, aggregated into an irregular head. Involu- cre ovate, many series, squamae acuminate. Recep- tacle flat, covered with fimbrillae forming alveolae. Corolla purple, an inch long. Himalayas.

Sub-tribe. Centauries. Capitula many-flowered, dis- coid ; florets of the circumference often sterile, enlarged or irregular. Filaments oj the stamens free. Ach&nia fur- nished with an areola, more or less distinctly lateral. Pappus pilose or paleaceous, never feathery, sometimes wanting, at least in the circumference.

97. Amberboa (Isnard, D. C. 6-558, R. W. Icon. 479). Capitula several-flowered, heterogamous ; mar- ginal florets larger, sterile. Achaenia compressed or turbinate, tetragonal, with a lateral or basilar areola. Pappus paleaceous, paleae obovate, spatulate. — Herba- ceous plants. Involucre many series, scales various, rarely spinescent. Flowers blue, or reddish purple. Ceded Districts, Mysore, Coimbatore, Himalayas, Bengal.

98. Microlonchus (D. C. 6-562). Capitula many- flowered, florets of the ray neuter, more or less enlarg- ed. Filaments pappillose ; anthers ecaudate. Achaenia compressed with a lateral areola. Pappus double, in- terior unilateral, broad at the base, acuminate at the apex, about the length of the exterior pappus. — Peren- nial, glabrous herbs. Floriferous branches naked, 1- cephalous. Involucre ovate, scales adpressed, coriace- ous, with a short, reflexed, deciduous apex, or produced into a long, spine-like appendage. Flowers purple, or white, or yellowish. Himalayas.

99. Tricholepis (D. C. 6-563, R. W. Icon. 1139). Capitula homogamous. Corolla sub-regular, 5-fid. Achas- nia with a lateral areola, crowned at the apex with a circular margin. Pappus setaceous, concrete at the base, or paleaceous, not concrete, or wanting. — Herba- ceous plants; capitula ebracteolate. Involucre many series, scales linear, setaceous, recurved at the points. Receptacle fimbriliferous. Himalayas, Ceded Districts, Mysore, Coimbatore.

100. Centatjrea (Less. D. C. 6-565). Capitula many- flowered, heterogamous; usually radiate-like. Corolla of the ray usually sterile, dilated, 5-cleft, rarely hermaph- rodite or not exceeding the disk. Filaments papil- lose, anthers ecaudate. Achaenia compressed, having a lateral areola near the base. Pappus several series, rough, the inner ones smaller. — Herbaceous plants. Scales of the involucre various, appendiculate or ex- appendiculate, muticous or spinous. A large and poly- morphous genus, abundant in Europe, and well known under the name of Corn-flower. Though occasionally met with in corn fields, scarcely an Indian genus.

Sub-tribe. Carthames. Capitula many-flowered, ho- mogamous, or rarely the exterior florets sterile. Involucre many series, exterior scales brad-like. Filaments bearded on the middle. Jlchcenia glabrous, i-angled, with a lateral areola. Pappus none or paleaceous, rarely pilose.

101. Kentrophtllum (Neek. D. C. Prod. 6-610). Capitula homogamous, many- and equal-flowered. Cor- olla 5-cleft, regular, sometimes a few of the ray florets sterile, filiform. Filaments hispid in the middle from a

tuft of hair; appendix of the anthers obtuse, stigma concrete. Achaenia thick, obovate, sub-tetragonal, den- ticulato-crenate at the apex. Pappus on the marginal florets wanting; in the rest paleaceous, several series, the exterior ones membranaceous, ciliate on the margin, the inner ones shorter. — Erect, herbaceous, poly-cepha- lous annuals, with stem-clasping leaves. Capitula terminal. Involucre several series, exterior ones folia- ceous, lobed, spinous; interior acuminato-spinous. Re- ceptacle thick, fimbrillate. Flowers yellow, white or purple. Upper Bengal, Banks of the Jumna.

102. Carthamus (Toum. D. C. 6-611 ). Capitula ho- mogamous. Corolla 5-cleft, tube enlarged above the disk. Stigmata scarcely distinct. Achaenia obovate, tetragonal, glabrous, smooth. Pappus wanting. — Her- baceous plants. Involucre several series, exterior folia- ceous, middle ones with an ovate, spiny appendix; interior acuminate, pungent. Receptacle loaded with linear fimbrillae. Flowers yellow or orange coloured. Moluccas. Cultivated in the Peninsula.

103 Onobroma (D. C. 6-613). Capitula many-flow- ered, exterior neuter. Corolla equally 5-cleft. Fila- ments glabrous, anthers appendiculate. Achaenia sub- tetragonous, marginal ones bald, exterior pappiferous. Pappus many series of linear paleolae. — Herbaceous, erect, spiny annuals. Capitula terminal. Involucre imbricated. Scales spinoso-acuminate. Receptacle fimbriliferous. West of India? but as yet doubtfully an Indian genus.

Sub-tribe. CARnuiNES. Capitula many- and equal- flowered, all hermaphrodite or dioicous. Involucre many series. Scales often spinous. Corolla 5-cleft. Filaments papillose or glabrous. Acheenia glabrous, with a terminal areola. Pappus pilose or feathery, concreted into a ring at the base.

104. Carduus (Gaert. D. C. Prod. 6-621). Capitula equal-flowered. Corolla 5-cleft, tube short. Filaments pilose. Stigmas concrete. Achaenia sub-compressed, with a terminal, not lateral areola. Pappus many series, filiform, scabrous, concreted into a ring at the base. — Erect herbs, with decurrent, often spinose leaves. Cap- itula erect, often pendulous after flowering. Involucre imbricated. Scales usually spinose at the apex. Re- ceptacle fimbriliferous. Flowers purple, or varying to white. Choor — I can find no account of the species.

105. Cirsium (Toum. D. C. 6-634, R. W. Icon. 1137). Capitula homogamous, hermaphrodite, or dioi- cous. Tube of the corolla short, throat oblong, 5-cleft. Anthers ecaudate. Stigmas concreted. Achaenia ob- long, compressed, glabrous, membranaceous, ecostate, with a fleshy, terminal areola. — Herbaceous, thistle-like plants. Involucre imbricated, scales more or less prick- ly pointed. Receptacle fimbriliferous. Flowers purple or yellow. Alpine plants in India. Neilgherries, Pul- neys, abundant, Himalayas.

106. Cham2epeuce (Pr. Alp. D. C. 6-657). Capitula homogamous. Corolla 5-cleft, equal or subringent. Fil- aments plumose or hairy. Anthers with an oblong, acute appendiculus, and long, lacerated cauda. Stigmas scarcely free at the point. Achaenia obovate, with a hard testa. Setae of the pappus plumose, one or several series. — Suffruticose or herbaceous plants, with prickly