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illustrations of madness.

cloked under certain names and titles used in the information given me, and which I have for years found such vile spy-traitor-assassins called by among their fraternity.

“That the persons mentioned by me in my letters, narratives, &c. to each of the 1796 administration, and to the then Speaker of the House of Commons as spies, whom I could not discover, but found, as it were, before me, behind me, and on every side of me, every where, and in every thing (as was my expression) were magnetic spy-workers coming from Paris, at the time I was trudging it from thence, and having the charge of circumventing me ; and such were so appointed by each of the London gangs, event-working assassins: who having found my senses proof against their fluid and hand-working, as it is termed, were employed to actuate the proper persons to pretend I was insane, for the purpose of plunging me into