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Of the Royal Way of the Holy Cross.

Neither canst thou be delivered or eased by any remedy or comfort; for so long as it pleaseth God, thou must bear it.

For God will have thee learn to suffer tribulation without comfort; and that thou subject thyself wholly to Him, and by tribulation become more humble.

No man hath in his heart a sympathy with the passion of Christ, so much as he who hath suffered the like himself.

The cross therefore is always ready, and every where waits for thee.

Thou canst not escape it whithersoever thou runneth; for wheresoever thou goeth, thou carriest thyself with thee, and shalt ever find thyself.

Both above and below, without and within, which way soever thou dost turn thee, every where thou shalt find the cross; and every where of necessity thou must hold fast patience, if thou wilt have inward peace, and enjoy an everlasting crown.

5. If thou bear the cross cheerfully, it will bear thee, and lead thee to the desired end, namely, where there shall be an end of suffering, though here there shall not be.

If thou bear it unwillingly, thou makest for thyself a new burden, and increasest thy load, which yet notwithstanding thou must bear it.

If thou cast away one cross, without doubt thou shalt find another, and that perhaps more heavy.

6. Thinkest thou to escape that which no mortal man could ever avoid? Which of the saints in the world was without crosses, and tribulation?

For not even our Lord Jesus Christ was ever one