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Of the Royal Way of the Holy Cross.

But do thou set thyself to suffer tribulation, and account them the greatest comforts; for the sufferings of this present time, although thou alone couldst suffer them all, cannot worthily deserve the glory which is to come.

11. When thou shalt come to this estate, that tribulation, shall seem sweet, and thou shalt relish it for Christ's sake; then think it to be well with thee, for thou hast found a paradise upon earth.

As long as it is grievous to thee to suffer, and thou desirest to escape, so long shalt thou be ill at ease, and the desire of escaping tribulation will follow thee every where.

12. If thou dost set thyself to that thou oughtest, namely, to suffering and to death, it will quickly be better with thee, and thou shalt find peace.

Although thou shouldst have been wrapt even unto the third heaven with Paul, thou art not by this secured that thou shalt suffer no adversity. "I will shew him" (saith Jesus) "how great things he must suffer for My name."

It remaineth therefore, that thou suffer, if it please thee to love Jesus, and to constantly serve Him.

13. O that thou wert worthy to suffer something for the name of Jesus! How great glory would remain unto thyself; what joy would arise to all God's saints; how great edification also to thy neighbour!

For all men recommend patience; few, however, they are who are willing to suffer.

With great reason oughtest thou cheerfully to suffer some little for Christ's sake; since many suffer more grievous things for the world.