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Of the Truth speaking inwardly.

inspirer and enlightener of all the prophets; for Thou alone without them canst perfectly instruct me, but they without Thee can profit nothing.

2. They indeed may utter words, but they cannot give the Spirit.

Most beautifully do they speak, but if Thou be silent, they inflame not the heart.

They teach the letter, but Thou openest the sense: they bring forth mysteries, but Thou unlockest the meaning of sealed things.

They declare Thy commandments, but Thou helpest us to fulfil them.

They point out the way, but Thou givest strength to walk in it.

They work outwardly only, but Thou instructest and enlightenest the heart.

They water, but Thou givest the increase.

They cry aloud in words, but Thou impartest understanding.

3. Let not Moses therefore speak unto me, but Thou, Lord my God, the everlasting Truth; lest I die, and prove unfruitful, if I be only warned outwardly, and not inflamed within:

Lest it turn to my condemnation,—the word heard and not fulfilled, known and not loved, believed and not observed.

Speak therefore, Lord, for Thy servant heareth; for Thou hast the words of eternal life.

Speak Thou unto me, to the comfort, however imperfect, of my soul, and the amendment of my whole life, and to Thy praise and glory and honour everlasting.