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Of the Evil of Self-Love.

And this thou must understand not of wealth only, but of seeking after honour also, and of the desire of vain praise, which all must pass away with this world.

No place availeth if the spirit of fervour be wanting, neither shall that peace long continue, which is sought from without.

If the state of thy heart be destitute of a true foundation, if thou stand not steadfast in Me, thou mayest change, but shalt not better thyself.

For when occasion ariseth and is laid hold of, thou wilt find more than that which thou didst flee from.

A Prayer for a Clean Heart, and Heavenly Wisdom.

4. Strengthen me, O God, by the grace of Thy Holy Spirit.

Grant me to be strengthened with might in the inner man, and to empty my heart of all useless care, that I be not drawn away with sundry desires of any thing, whether mean or precious, but that I look on all things as passing away, on myself also as soon to pass away with them.

For nothing abideth under the sun, where all things are vanity and vexation of spirit. O how wise is he that so considereth them?

5. O Lord, grant me heavenly wisdom, that I may learn above all things to seek and to find Thee, above all things to enjoy and love Thee, and to think of all other things as they really are, according to Thy wisdom.

Grant me prudently to avoid him that flattereth me, and to endure patiently him that contradicts me.