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Of Vain Learning.

constrained to flow into thee with great abundance of grace.

When thou lookest unto the creature, the sight of the Creator is withdrawn from thee.

Learn in all things to overcome thyself, for the love of thy Creator, and then shalt thou be able to attain to divine knowledge.

How small soever anything be, if it be inordinately loved and regarded, it keepeth thee back from the highest good.



LET not the sayings of men move thee, however fair and ingenious they may be. "For the kingdom of God consisteth not in word, but in power."

Consider well My words, for they inflame the heart, and enlighten the mind; they cause compunction, and carry with them much consolation.

Never read the word of God in order to appear more leaned or more wise.

Be studious for the mortification of thy sins; for this will profit thee more than the knowledge of many difficult questions.

2. When thou shalt have read and known many things, thou must ever return to the one beginning and principle.