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Of Humility.

Be not therefore puffed up because of any art or science, but rather let the knowledge given thee make thee more cautious.

If thou thinkest that thou understandest and knowest much; yet know that there be many more things which thou knowest not.

Affect not to be overwise, but rather acknowledge thine own ignorance.

Why wilt thou prefer thyself before others, seeing there be many more learned, and more skilful in the Scripture than thyself?

If thou wilt know or learn anything profitably, desire to be unknown, and little esteemed.

4. The highest and most profitable lesson is the true knowledge of ourselves.

To think nothing of ourselves, and to think always well and highly of others, is great wisdom and perfection.

If thou shouldest see another openly sin, or commit some heinous offence, yet oughtest thou not to esteem thyself better; for thou knowest not how long thou mayest be able to stand.

We are all frail, but esteem none more frail than thyself.