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Of Frequent Communion.

reverence. I desire to bring Thee into my house, that with Zaccheus I may be blessed by Thee, and be numbered amongst the children of Abraham.

My soul thirsteth to receive Thy body and blood, my heart longeth to unite to Thee.

2. Give Thyself to me, and it sufficeth; for beside Thee there is no comfort.

Without Thee I cannot be; without Thy visitation I cannot live.

And therefore I must needs often draw near unto Thee, and receive Thee for the medicine of my soul; lest haply I faint by the way, if I be deprived of Thy heavenly food.

For so, most merciful Jesus, Thou once didst say, when preaching to the people, and curing divers diseases, "I will not send them home fasting, lest they faint in the way."

Deal Thou therefore in like manner now with me, who hast vouchsafed to leave Thyself in this sacrament for the comfort of the faithful.

For Thou art the sweet refection of the soul: and he that eateth Thee worthily shall be partaker and heir of everlasting glory.

It is necessary for me, who so often fall into error and sin, and so quickly wax dull and faint, that by frequent prayer and confession, and receiving of Thy holy body and blood, I renew, cleanse, and inflame myself, lest haply, by long abstaining, I fall away from my holy purposes.

3. For the imaginations of man are prone unto evil from his youth, and unless some divine remedy help him, he falleth away to worse things.