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Of Fervent Love.

all devout hearts, with all the virtues and praises celebrated by all creatures, for myself, and for all such as are commended to me in prayer; that by all Thou mayest worthily be praised and for ever glorified.

4. Receive, O Lord my God, my wishes and desires of giving Thee infinite praise, and blessing that hath no bounds, which according to the measure of Thine ineffable greatness, are most justly Thy due.

These praises I render unto Thee, and long to render them every day and every moment. And with all entreaty and affectionateness I do invite and beseech all heavenly spirits, and all Thy faithful servants, to render with me thanks and praises unto Thee.

5. Let all people, nations, and languages praise Thee, and magnify Thy holy and precious name with highest joy and ardent devotion.

And let all who reverently and devoutly celebrate Thy most high sacrament, and receive it with full faith, be accounted worthy to find grace and mercy at Thy hands, and pray with humble supplication in behalf of me a sinner.

And when they shall have attained to their desired devotion, and joyful union with Thee, and shall have departed from Thy holy table, well comforted and marvellously refreshed, O let them vouchsafe to remember my poor soul.