Page:Immigration and the Commissioners of Emigration of the state of New York.djvu/249

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she embarked, and the date of his or her arrival at New York; all of which must be verified by the oath of the party in whose behalf it is made, or, in case of his or her disability, by the oath of any other person cognizant of the facts; and no claim for indemnity will be allowed, unless the name of the person in respect to whom indemnity is sought shall be found in the "Report" of the Master of the vessel in which such person is said to have arrived, such "Report" having been sworn to by said Master before the Mayor of the City of New York, and on file in the Office of the Commissioners of Emigration.


Every application for indemnity must be accompanied by a statement, signed by the Relieving Officer: that the person in reference to whom it is made is unable to support himself or herself; from what cause his or her inability proceeds; whether such inability is likely to be temporary or permanent, and that he or she has no relations in this country able, at their own charge, to support him or her.


Persons, in respect to whom applications for indemnity may be properly made, must be sent to and maintained in the poor-house of the city, town, or county; they must be required to work under the same circumstances and to the same extent as other inmates of such poor-houses; the account for their support must be rendered at the cost of their subsistence, after deducting the value of the work which they may be able to do and have performed—stating these particulars—and the account must be verified by the oath of the Superintendent or Overseer of the Poor that it is accurate and just.


No temporary or out-door relief, beyond one night's board and lodging, will be allowed, except on the affidavit of the Attending Physician that the person for whose relief indemnity is sought could not with safety be removed to the County House. A similar affidavit to accompany every bill containing similar charges.


Superintendents of Poor, having claims against this Commission for medical attendance, must state, under oath, the whole amount paid for such attendance outside the County House during the year, the entire number who received that attendance, and how many of them were emigrants chargeable to the Commissioners of Emigration, and they will be allowed for, pro rata.


The Commissioners of Emigration will reimburse the counties, etc., etc., the actual cost of support of emigrants under the foregoing "Rules," but will not pay for the services of Superintendents or Overseers of the Poor, or of any other officer not appointed by said Commissioners of Emigration.