Page:Impeachment of Donald J. Trump, President of the United States — Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives.pdf/348

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The REAL abuse of power here is on the part of the House Democrats, as they have recklessly pursued this impeachment-20 times faster than the impeachment investigation of Bill Clinton-to reach their predetermined political outcome. Along the way, they have steamrolled over constitutionally- guaranteed due process, House Rules and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. They have: ignored or blocked exculpatory evidence; intimidated witnesses; restricted Republican lines of questioning; denied defense witnesses and involvement of the president's counsel; restricted Republican review of evidence; denied a Minority hearing; and violated proper Minority notice and fairness at all stages.

Ironically, during the Clinton impeachment, the Democrats published a report which read: "As Rep. Barbara Jordan (D-Tx.) observed during the Watergate inquiry, impeachment not only mandates due process, but 'due process quadrupled." The Democrats of this Congress have done exactly the opposite-and everyone in this country can see that clearly. This impeachment will fail, and the Democrats will justly pay a heavy political price for it. But the Pandora's Box they have opened today will do irreparable damage to our country in the years ahead. God help us.