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It will be seen at once from these figures what a privileged position is held by four of the largest capitalist countries, each controlling from 100 to 150 milliard francs in securities. Two of these countries are the oldest capitalist countries and as we shall see, possess the most colonies: England and France; the other two are in the front rank as regards rapidity of development, and the degree of extension of capitalist monopolies in industrial affairs: the United States and Germany. Together, these four countries own 479 milliards of francs, that is, nearly 80 per cent. of the world's finance-capital. Thus, by this means or otherwise, the whole world is more or less the debtor and vassal of these four international banker-countries, on which world finance-capital rests.

It is now necessary to elaborate the part played by the export of capital in the creation of an international network of dependence and connections of finance-capital.