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He answered abruptly: "There are some things it is hard for a man to judge of, even in another fellow... at least people say so. See here, you! I wish... I wish you would tell me something.... you won't think me a conceited ass? Do you... for instance... do you... find me really specially good-looking... when you look around the lot of other men one sees.... in comparison with plenty of others, I mean?"

«Do you want an answer in chaff, or seriously?»


«I most certainly think you 'specially' such. N....»

«And you are of the opinion that most people... women... men... sculptors, for instance, or painters... a photographer, if you life.... ought to be of your opinion?»

«But yes, assuredly,» I replied, laughing at what seemed the naiveté and uncalled-for earnestness in his tone. "You do not need to put me on oath, such a newcomer, too, into