Page:In Memoriam. Matthew Fontaine Maury.djvu/24

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tional and valued professional assistance of his brother-in-law, Dr. B. S. Herndon, of Savannah, formerly of Fredericksburg, whose tender solicitude and large experience afforded him great comfort. Indeed, his disease seemed completely conquered, and the only difficulty was to improve his vital and recuperative powers. To do this every expedient that affection could devise, or professional experience suggest, was tried faithfully, persistently, but in vain.

Perceiving himself, at last, how futile were the exertions to restore or renew his strength, he gradually became convinced that any further effort was not only useless, but opposed to the Divine will in his case; and four days previous to his death, calling his attending physician to his side, he said: "I want to tell you how grateful I am for all your kind and persistent efforts in my behalf. I want to tell you that I believe you have done your whole duty; and now," he added, "and now, I want you to leave me to God!" And with a look of affectionate decision, he waved him away with one hand, while with the other he pointed silently upwards. After this he took scarcely anything, with the exception of a little beef tea or champagne, and these at long intervals, and evidently only to gratify the earnest entreaty of his [eldest] son, R. L. Maury.