Page:In Memoriam. Matthew Fontaine Maury.djvu/30

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of the nations, his heart ever turned to a crucified Redeemer, as the needle to the pole; and he brought all the powers of his gifted mind, and all the aspirations of his lofty soul, and laid them as votive offerings at the foot of the Cross.

It is further ordered by the Academic Board—

1. That the Library Hall of the Virginia Military Institute be draped in mourning for the period of thirty days; that the drooping flags of Virginia and Tennessee be placed over the bier on the day of the funeral; and that the State flag be displayed at half mast.

2. That a copy of this minute be transmitted by the Superintendent to the family of the deceased, with the expression of the deep sympathy of this Board in their great sorrow.

3. That a number of copies of this minute be appropriately printed for distribution, and a certified copy be specially transmitted by the Superintendent to the Governors of Virginia and Tennessee; to the President of the United States; to the Members of Congress from Virginia and Tennessee; to the Members of the Legislature of Virginia; to the Mayor of Fredericksburg, Va.; to the U. S. Military Academy at West Point, and the U. S. Naval Academy at Annapo-