Page:In Memoriam. Matthew Fontaine Maury.djvu/6

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He died at 12:30 to-day.

The illness, which has thus terminated fatally, was of long duration, beginning with the return of Com. Maury from an extended and laborious tour of public service. All that skill and affection could do to arrest the fatal blow was in vain. It was not in vain, however, that the captain, philosopher, and Christian had the opportunity allowed to show, for the instruction of young and old, how bravely, calmly, and truthfully such a man meets death.

It would be inappropriate, in this preliminary order, to touch upon the varied achievements in the service of his State, his country, and the world, which gained for him his illustrious fame, or to delineate the traits of character which endeared him to the hearts of all who enjoyed the privilege of his friendship. The world will hasten to offer present tribute to his memory, and his career will afford a lofty theme for future biography.

II. Academic duties in the Institute will be suspended until further orders, and the Corps of Cadets will hold itself in readiness for such participation in the solemn ceremonies of the occasion as may be hereafter ordered.