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In Other Words

But though I’d like to sing a song about Abe Lincoln’s birthday,
(Just before the battle, mother)
I think that, on the level, Christmas ought to have the first say.


It’s a grand old institution,
(In Dixie land I’ll take my stand)
In the Western Hemisphere,
(Hail Columbia! Happy land!)
Then give three cheers for Christmas,
(And a tiger)
It comes but once a year.

You may have your Decoration Day, your New Year’s and the rest,
(O Columbia! the gem of the ocean!)
But Christmas Eve on Broadway is the time that suits me best.
(Maryland! My Maryland!)
’Tis there you find your dear old pals, the best in all the world;
(Way down upon the Swanee River!)
’Tis there you find the best of all the fellows and the girls.


It’s a grand old institution, etc.