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Lines in Appreciation of a Lady’s Art

Madura maid that o’er the stove holdeth despotic sway,
Small is the labor that you do, though great your weekly pay,
Far from a Savarin are you in the rôle that you have picked,
Tortoni could have beaten you from clams to Benedict.
Nay, I’ll make one exception, and one that bids me sing
Your o. f. strob’ry shortcake, a Rare and Perfect Thing.

In many a line of cooking your ineptitude is great,
You have three afternoons a week, you come each morning late.
You burn an awful lot of gas, you waste a lot of stuff,
Your soups are generally weak, your steaks are always tough,
Yet here is to Virginia, the state that gave you birth,
And your o. f. strob’ry short cake, the Finest Thing on Earth!