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In Other Words

(Quale portentum.) Believe me, he was some wolf,
(Daunias latis) Not wood from Noah’s Ark,
(Nec Jubae tellus) No little Daunian bum wolf
(Arida nutrix) Like those in Central Park.

(Pone me, pigris) O put me on the prairie,
(Arbor aestiva) Or let me hire a hall,
Quod latus mundi) Set me upon Mt. Airy,
(Jupiter urget) Or anywhere at all.

(Pone sub curru) Still I, on the equator,
(Solis . . . negata) At ninety in the shade,
(Dulce ridentem) Shall love—a poor translator—
(Dulce loquentem) My sweetly smiling maid.