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Thorns, Rifts, Clouds, Flaws, Blemishes, Etc.

[“The attitude of mind I have always believed in, is to answer, when anybody says how ugly Mrs. Blank’s nose is, ‘Yes, but hasn’t she a lovely complexion?’”—Kate Douglas Wiggin.]
Would I were constructed so!
Would I failed to find the flaws!
But when people talk of Poe
With consid’able applause
I concede that he was There;
That his name is deep engraven
On the scroll; “But,” I declare,
“I can’t see much in ‘The Raven.’ ”

People prate of Dryden’s dope,
But his rhymes were often false;
There are some good things in Pope,
But his meter often halts.
Take the things that Wordsworth wrote,
Some—I hate to hurl the hammer—
Are not worthy of a pote;
Shelley made some slips in grammar.