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In Other Words


Lady stars from oversea,
Twinkling in our firmament.
Small the smash you make with me
Be you ne’er so prominent.
Keener critics may adore you;
Frankly, though, I’m seldom for you.

I was never one who raved
O’er the pseudo-picturesque
Nor, though young, was I enslaved
By the art of H. Modjesk.;
And I own I do not care a
Lot about the Perfect Sarah.

Polish ladies leave me cold;
Dames Italian warm me not;
And, if further truth be told,
I’m electrified no jot,
Trifle, fragment, ohm, iota,
By th’ entire foreign quota.

But, however, still and yet,
Maugre all my prejudice
I am not so firmly set
That I will not yield in this:
If I like a lady’s way, so
Help me Robert, I will say so!