This as it happened was the truth; but his jealous associates comforted one another with the statement, that it was only one of Anthony's many lies!
On the day of departure, the Tallboys, accompanied by the Branders, ascended to the flat roof of Hooper's Gardens, in order to see the very last of the steamer that was bearing their relatives to England. Their eyes followed it, or rather its smoke, till it dwindled and dwindled by degrees, and as the little speck finally faded below the horizon Nancy turned, with a dramatic gesture, and addressed her companions:
"They're gone, and only think of it! just one year ago, Geoffrey came out here, on a wild-goose chase, a stranger in the land, and empty-handed,—for his allowance was cut off from the day he arrived. Behold,—now, he returns, leaving crowds of Indian friends—not to mention a weeping Anthony—and carries away with him, a sword, a horse, a fortune, and a bride!"
Printed at The Chapel River Press, Kingston, Surrey.