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"Sit down on the hides, and I will tell you the story."

In the early days Thunder was a mighty bird. He lived in the high mountains and rode about on the clouds. His only pleasure seemed to be in killing the animals. If he saw a bear taking a stroll, or an eagle soaring into the heavens, he would spread out dark clouds, pour down heavy rain, and wink his flashing eyes. He did not stop until his victim was quite dead. The animals became so frightened that they dared not step out of their houses.

One day Coyote came along and said: "What 's the matter with you people? You look frightened and hungry. Why don't you come out of your houses and hunt for food?"

"Oh, we dare not," they replied. "If we venture forth, Thunderbird pierces us with his fiery eye. Cannot you help us, O Coyote?"

"Why, this is serious," answered Coyote. "I will see what I can do."

He thought and thought and thought. Then he changed himself into a tiny downy feather and floated off on the wind. He sailed until he was over the home of Thunderbird. He looked well at the troublesome giant, then came down in a whirlwind