Page:In the name of a woman (1900).djvu/257

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"And what of the army?"

"We have done all that human effort could achieve in the time—but we could not do impossibilities. On the troops in Philippopoli I believe we can count surely. General Montkouroff is Bulgarian to the core, and where he leads the majors will follow. He has been sounded and will act with us. But here in Sofia there is not a regiment, except that to which I and Spernow belong, which would not turn against us. This disposition of the troops has all been arranged by Russia and the traitors who are Russia's friends. The risk is tremendous."

"There is no alternative but flight, remember."

"And fly I will not. Come what may, we will strike."

"If the Princess will," said I. "We must see her at once." And in this mood we started for her house, Zoiloff urging me on the way to see her alone.

"You have more influence with her than all of us put together," he said quickly. "I will remain at hand, and you can call me in if you cannot prevail. But you are right, Count, and I am with you hand and heart. We must either strike an imperfect blow at once or abandon everything."