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which, some had admittedly belonged to as many as half a hundred communist-front organizations. It is this theory that led this same group of men to briefly bare the ungodly core of that philosophy in forbidding little school children to say a prayer. And we find the evidence of that ungodliness even in the removal of the words "in God we trust" from some of our dollars, which was placed there as like evidence by our founding fathers as the faith upon which this system of government was built. It is the spirit of power thirst that caused a President in Washington to take up Caesar's pen and with one stroke of it, make a law. A Law which the law making body of Congress refused to pass...a law that tells us that we can or cannot buy or sell our very homes, except by his conditions...and except at his discretion. It is the spirit of power thirst that led that same President to launch a full offensive of twenty-five thousand troops against a university...of all his own country...and against his own people, when this nation maintains only six thousand troops in the beleagured city of Berlin. We have witnessed such acts of "might makes right" over the world as men yielded to the temptation to play God...but we have never before witnessed it in America. We reject such acts as free men. We do not defy, for there is nothing to defy...since as free men we do not recognize any government right to give freedom...or deny freedom. No government erected by man has that right. As Thomas Jefferson has said, "The God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time; no King holds the right of liberty in his hands." Nor does any ruler in American government.

We intend, quite simply, to practice the free heritage as bequeathed to us as sons of free fathers. We intend to re-vitalize the truly new and progressive form of government that is less than two hundred years old...a government first founded in this nation simply and purely on faith...that there is a personal God who rewards good and punishes evil...that hard work will receive its just desserts...that ambition and ingenuity and incentiveness...and profit