Page:Inaugural Address of Governor George C. Wallace (1963).pdf/12

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political station making its contribution to our lives....

And so it was meant in our racial lives...each race, within its own framework has the freedom to ask for and receive deserved help from others of separate racial stations. This is the great freedom of our American founding fathers...but if we amalgamate into the one unit as advocated by the communist philosophers..then the enrichment of our lives...the freedom for our gone forever. We become, therefore, a mongrel unit of one under a single all powerful government...and we stand for everything...and for nothing.

The true brotherhood of America, of respecting the separateness of others..and uniting in effort..has been so twisted and distorted from its original concept that there is small wonder that communism is winning the world.

We invite the negro citizens of Alabama to work with us from his separate racial we will work with develop, to grow in individual freedom and enrichment. We want jobs and a good future for both our races. We want to help the physically and mentally sick of both races..the tubercular and the infirm. This is the basic heritage of my religion, of which I make full practice....for we are all the handiwork of God.

But we warn those, of any group, who would follow the false doctrine of communistic amalgamation that we will not surrender our system of government...our freedom of race and religion...For that freedom was won at a hard price, and if it requires a hard price to keepretain it..we are able..and quite willing to pay it.

The liberals' theory that proverty, discrimination and lack of opportunity is the cause of communism is a false theory...if it were true the South would have been the biggest single communist bloc in the western hemisphere long ago...for after the great War Between the States, our people