Page:Inaugural Address of Governor George C. Wallace (1963).pdf/6

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Hear me, Southerners! You sons and daughters who have moved north and west throughout this nation....we call on you from your native soil to join with us in national support and vote..and we know...wherever you are..away from the hearths of the Southland...that you will respond, for though you may live in the fartherest reaches of this vast country....your heart has never left Dixieland.

And you native sons and daughters of old New England's rock-ribbed patriotism...and you sturdy natives of the great Mid-West..and you descendants of the far West flaming spirit of pioneer freedom..we invite you to come and be with us..for you are of the Southern mind..and the Southern spirit..and the Southern are Southerners too and brothers with us in our fight.

What I have said about segregation goes double this day...and what I have said to or about some federal judges goes triple this day.

Alabama has been blessed by God as few states in this Union have been blessed. Our state owns ten per cent of all the natural resources of all the states in our country. Our inland waterway system is second to none...and has the potential of being the greatest waterway transport system in the entire world. We possess over thirty minerals in usable quantities and our soil is rich and varied, suited to a wide variety of plants. Our native pine and forestry system produces timber faster than we can cut it and yet we have only pricked the surface of the great lumber and pulp potential.

With ample rainfall and rich grasslands our livestock industry is in the infancy of a giant future that can make us a center of the big and growing meat packing and prepared foods marketing. We have the favorable climate, streams, woodlands, beaches, and natural beauty to make us a recreational mecca in the booming tourist and vacation industry. Nestled in the great Tennessee Valley, we possess the Rocket center of the world and the keys to