Page:Inaugural Address of Governor George C. Wallace (1963).pdf/8

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government that encourages our fears and destroys our faith...for where there is faith, there is no fear, and where there is fear, there is no faith. In encouraging our fears of economic insecurity it demands we place that economic management and control with government; in encouraging our fear of educational development it demands we place that education and the minds of our children under management and control of government, and even in feeding our fears of physical infirmities and declining years, it offers and demands to father us through it all and even into the grave. It is a government that claims to us that it is bountiful as it buys its power from us with the fruits of its rapaciousness of the wealth that free men before it have produced and builds on crumbling credit without responsibilities to the debtors...our children. It is an ideology of government erected on the encouragement of fear and fails to recognize the basic law of our fathers that governments do not produce wealth...people produce people; and as those people become less they learn there is little reward for ambition...that it requires faith to risk...and they have the government must restrict and penalize and tax incentive and endeavor and must increase its expenditures of bounties...then this government must assume more and more police powers and we find we are become government-fearing people...not God-fearing people. We find we have replaced faith with fear...and though we may give lip service to the reality, government has become our god. It is, therefore, a basically ungodly government and its appeal to the psuedo-intellectual and the politician is to change their status from servant of the people to master of the play at being God...without faith in God...and without the wisdom of God. It is a system that is the very opposite of Christ for it feeds and encourages everything degenerate and base in our people as it assumes the responsibilities that we ourselves should assume. Its psuedo-liberal spokesmen and some Harvard advocates have never examined the logic of its substitution of what it calls "human rights" for individual rights,