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advantage of Jesus Christ is not weak; no, but he waxes strong on the strength of Jesus Christ. Jesus it is Who, as St. Augustine says, not only cheers us on to the combat, but affords us help; if we fail, He is ready to succor us; and of His immense goodness He Himself crowns us in the end: "He encourages you to fight, and helps you to conquer, and supports you if you languish, and crowns you victorious." Isaias prophesied, Then shall the lame man leap as a hart; that is, by the merits of the Redeemer, he who could not stir one step should skip over the hills as a swift hart: And that which was dry land shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water; he foretells that the most parched-up soil should teem with virtues: In the dens where dragons dwelt before shall rise up the verdure of the reed and the bulrush; [35:6,7] and that in those souls in which devils formerly abode should be propagated the vigor of the reed,---namely, of humility, because, according to the commentary of Cornelius à Lapide, "the humble man is empty in his own eyes;" and of the bulrush,---namely, of charity, because, as the same commentator says, in certain places they use it for wicks to burn in lamps.

In a word, we find in Jesus Christ all grace, all strength, all help, whenever we have recourse to Him: In all things you are made rich in Him, so that nothing is wanting to you in any grace. [1 Cor. 1:5] For this very end He was made Man, and