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Oh, no, mother—I have leave of abſence only for two months; and that for a particular reaſon. But I will not quit you ſo ſoon, now I find you are in want of my aſſiſtance.


No, no, Frederick; your viſit will make me ſo well, that I ſhall in a very ſhort time recover ſtrength to work again; and you muſt return to your regiment when your furlough is expired. But you told me leave of abſence was granted you for a particular reaſon.—What reaſon ?


When I left you five years ago, you gave me every thing you could afford, and all you thought would be neceſſary for me. But one trifle you forgot, which was, the certificate of my birth from the church-book.—You know in this country there is nothing to be done without it. At the time of parting from you, I little thought it could be of that conſequence to me which I have ſince found it would have been. Once I became tired of a ſoldier’s life, and in the hope I ſhould obtain my diſcharge, offered myſelf to a maſter to learn a profeſſion; but his queſtion was, “Where is your certificate from the church-book of the pariſh in which you were born?” It vexed me that I had not it to produce, for my comrades laughed at my diſappointment. My captain behaved kinder, for he gave me leave to come home to fetch it—and you ſee, mother, here I am.

[During this ſpeech Agatha is confuſed and agitated.


So you are come for the purpoſe of fetching your certificate from the church-book.
