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on the ſubject of the Count; but as he is here, leave us alone.

Amelia [as ſhe retires].

Good morning, Mr. Anhalt.—I hope you are very well. [Exit.


I’ll tell you in a few words why I ſent for you. Count Caſſel is here, and wiſhes to marry my daughter.

Anhalt [much concerned].



He is—he—in a word I don’t like him.

Anhalt [with emotion].

And Miſs Wildenhaim——


I ſhall not command, neither perſuade her to the marriage—I know too well the fatal influence of parents on ſuch a ſubject. Objections to be ſure, if they could be removed—But when you find a man’s head without brains, and his boſom without a heart, theſe are important articles to ſupply. Young as you are, Anhalt, I know no one ſo able to reſtore, or to beſtow thoſe bleſſings on his fellow-creatures, as you. [Anhalt bows.] The Count wants a little of my daughter’s ſimplicity and ſenſibility.—Take him under your care while he is here, and make him ſomething like yourſelf.—You have ſuceeded to my wiſh in the education of my daughter.—Form the Count after your own manner.—I ſhall then have what I have ſighed for all my life—a ſon.


With your permiſſion, Baron, I will aſk one queſtion. What remains to intereſt you in favour
