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Frederick [as he is forcedoff].

Woe to that man to whom I owe my birth! [Exit.

Baron [calls another Keeper].

Here, Frank, run directly to yonder hamlet, inquire in the firſt, ſecond, and third cottage for a poor ſick woman—and if you really find ſuch a perſon, give her this purſe. [Exit Gamekeeper.


A moſt extraordinary event!—and what a well-looking youth! ſomething in his countenance and addreſs which ſtruck me inconceivably!—If it is true that he begged for his mother—But if he did——for the attempt upon my life, he muſt die. Vice is never half ſo dangerous, as when it aſſumes the garb of morality.[Exit.

SCENE II. A Room in the Caſtle.

Amelia [alone].

Why am I ſo uneaſy; ſo peeviſh; who has offended me? I did not mean to come into this room. In the garden I intended to go [going, turns back]. No, I will not—yes, I will—juſt go, and look if my auriculas are ſtill in bloſſom; and if the apple tree is grown which Mr. Anhalt planted.—I feel very low-ſpirited—ſomething muſt be the matter.—Why do I cry?—Am I not well?

Enter Mr. Anhalt.

Ah! good morning, my dear Sir—Mr. Anhalt, I meant to ſay—I beg pardon.


Never mind, Miſs Wildenhaim—I don’t diſlike to hear you call me as you did.
