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Ah! My father was in the height of paſſion when he gave it.


Whatſoever his paſſion might be, it is the duty of a true and honeſt dependent to obey his Lord’s mandates. I will not ſuffer a ſervant in this houſe, nor will I, myſelf, give the young man any thing except bread and water—But I’ll tell you what I’ll do—I’ll read my verſes to him.


Give me the key of the cellar—I’ll go myſelf.

Butler [gives the key].

And there’s my verſes—[taking them from his pocket] Carry them with you, they may comfort him as much as the wine. [She throws them down.

Exit Amelia.

Butler [in amazement].

Not take them! Refuſe to take them—[he lifts them from the floor with the utmoft reſpect]—

“I muſt have made an elegy,
And not this fine narration.”


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