Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/114

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Curaissier Cuvelier. Duhamel, G.
Curate of Churnside. Allen, G.
Curate of the Poltons. Hawkins, A. H.
Curate's bump. Hawkins, A. H.
Cure de Tours. Balzac, H. de
Cure for love. Wells, H. G.
Cure for unhappiness. Coppee, F.
Cure of Cucugnan. Daudet, A.
Cure of Hezekiah. Duncan, N.
Cure that failed. Singmaster, E.
Cure's Christmas gift. Warman, C.
Cure's mignonette. France, A.
Cures of Evelina. Jordan, E. G.
Curiosity of Carney. MacManus, S.
Curious book; complete. Clemens, S. L.
Curious dream. Clemens, S. L.
Curious experience. Clemens, S. L.
Curious fragment. London, J.
Curious history of a message. Stockton, F. R.
Curious if true. Gaskell, E. C.
Curiosities of courage. Davis, Richard H.
Curie, Richard
Blanca Palillos
In Life is a dream
In Life is a dream
Deep down
In Echo of voices
Emerald seeker
In Life is a dream
General service
In Echo of voices
Going home
In Life is a dream
His kingdom
In Echo of voices
In Life is a dream
In Life is a dream
In Echo of voices
Monsieur Clavel
In Echo of voices
In Echo of voices
Old Hoskyns
In Life is a dream
English Rev 12:22
Liv Age 275:362
Remittance man
In Life is a dream
Two dependents
In Echo of voices
Velvet f suit
In Life is a dream
In Echo of voices
Curly fish. Mitchell, S. W.
Curried cow. Bierce, A.
Curse of Eve. Doyle, A. C.
Curse of O'Sullivan the Red upon old age. See Yeats, W. B. Red Hanrahan's curse.
Curse of Positano. Barr, R.
Curse of Red Hanrahan. See Yeats, W. B. Red Hanrahan's curse
Curse of the fires and of the shadows. Yeats, W. B.
Curse of the heretic. MacManus, S.
Cursed patois. Catherwood, M. H.
Cursory light. Huneker, J. G.
Curtis, George William, 1824-1892
Titbottom's spectacles
In Jessup, A. ed. Best American humorous short stories
Custodian. Gale, Z.
Custody of the child. Morris, G.
Custom-house people. Daudet, A.
Cut and a kiss. Hawkins, A. J.
Cut-throat farm. Beresford, J. D.
Cutta-Cord-la. Harris, J. C.
Cutting, Mrs. Mary Stewart (Doubleday) 1851-
As Lochinvar
In Some of us are married
At the sign of the rubber plant
In More stories of married life
McClure 23:207
Aunt Kit's funeral
In Woman's H C 44:15 Ap '17
Because a woman wills
In Ladies' H J 21:12, 49 O '04
Benson's day
In Some of us are married
Sat Eve Post 186:15 My 2 '12
Blossoming rod
In Refractory husbands
Sat Eve Post 185:14 D 7 '12
In Some of us are married
Everybody's 33:60 Jl '15
In Delin 93:9 Ag '18
Bunny's bag
In Refractory husbands
Delin 81:162 Mr '13
In Everybody's 7:391
Child of the heart
In Some of us are married
Woman's H C 42:17 Mr '15
Clear field
In Just for two
Sat Eve Post 180:6 S 7; 12 S 14 '07
Cloisonné vase
In Just for two
Everybody's 21:494
Clytie comes back
In Some of us are married
Sat Eve Post 185:16 Mr 29 '13
Coupons of fortune
In Little stories of courtship
Harper 91:670
Dance-mad Billy
In Some of us are married
McClure 45:22 S '15
In Howells, W. D., and others. Whole family ch 4
Doings of Dolly
In Ladies' H J 31:17 Je '14
In Just for two
Sat Eve Post 181:12 S 12 '08
European travelers: monologue
In Harp B 45:398
Fairy godmother
In Woman's H C 48:16 Je '21