Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/122

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Davis, RebeccaContinued
Faded leaf of history
In Silhouettes of American life
Johnson, R. Little classics v 10
High tide of December
In Atlan 17:47
Sharpe 52:281
His father's son
In Sat Eve Post 178:12 O 21 '05
His great deed
In Lippinc 22:343
How the widow crossed the line
In Lippinc 18:717
Ignoble martyr
In Silhouettes of American lite
Harper 80:604
Jane Murray's Thanksgiving
In Ind 59:1267
Kent Hampden
In Kent Hampden
Little gossip
In Scrib M 28:568
Mademoiselle Joan
In Silhouettes of American life
Atlan 58:328
Man who came back
In Metropol 19:219 N '03
In Silhouettes of American life
Old time Christmas
In Ind 55:3031
Old-time love story
In Cent 77:219
Stephen Yarrow; a Christmas story
In Atlan 13:66
Sharpe 46:237, 286
Story of a shadow
In Galaxy 13:541
Tirar y Soult
In Silhouettes of American life
Stories of the South (Stories from Scribner)
Scrib M 2:563
Under the old code
In Harper 100:401
In Silhouettes of American life
Scrib o s 20:139
Penny M 12:10; 13:489
Wayside episode
In Silhouettes of American life
Lippinc 31:179
Yares of the Black Mountains
In Silhouettes of American life
Lippinc 16:35
Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916
Adventures of the scarlet car
In Collier's 38:10 D 15 '06; 22 Mr 23; 39 Je 14 '07
In Once upon a time
Sat Eve Post 182:3 O 9 '09
Andy M'Gee's chorus girl
In Van Bibber and others
Anonymous letter
In Exiles
Harper 88:445
Assisted immigrant
In Cinderella
Lion and the unicorn [Scribner '03]
Bar sinister
In Bar sinister
Boy scout and other stories
Ranson's folly
Scrib M 31:307
Billy and the big stick
In "Somewhere in France
Metropol 40:12 My '14
Blood will tell
In Boy scout and other stories
Red Cross girl
Scrib M 52:130
Boy orator of Zepata City
In Exiles
Harper 85:847
Boy scout
In Boy scout and other stories
"Somewhere in France"
Metropol 39:9 Mr '14
Strand M 47:363
Boy who cried wolf
In Boy scout and other stories
Metropol 43:13 My '16
Buried treasure of Cobre
In Lost road
Metropol 38:9 O '13
In "Somewhere in France
Metropol 40:16 Je '14
Charmed life
In Once upon a time
Scrib M 46:540
In Cinderella
Lion and the unicorn [Scribner '03]
Scrib M 19:460
In Consul
Man who could not lose
Scrib M 48:678
Curiosities of courage
In Everybody's 4:187
Cynical Miss Catherwaight
In Gallegher
Cent 41:221
In Ranson's folly
Scrib M 30:131
In Metropol 44:7 S '16
Dictator (farce)
In Farces
Editor's story
In Cinderella
Lion and the unicorn [Scribner '03]
Harper 89:342
Eleanor Cuyler
In Van Bibber and others
Harper 84:771
Evil to him who evil thinks
In Lost road
Sat Eve Post 185:8 S 21 '12
In Exiles
Experiment in economy
In Van Bibber and others
In "Somewhere in France
Metropol 42:16 Ag '15