Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/168

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France, AnatoleContinued
Lady of Verona
In Works (Chapman) Well of St. Clare
Laeta Acilia
In Works (Chapman) Balthasar
Law is dead but the judge is living. See France, A. Jean Marteau
Lead soldier. See France, A. Little lead soldier
Legend of Saints Oliveria and Libretta
In Works (Chapman) Mother of pearl
Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket
Leslie Wood
In Works (Chapman) Mother of pearl
Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket
Little leaden soldier (Little lead soldier)
In Works (Chapman) Mother of pearl
Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket
Cur Lit 47:463
Little sea dog
In Our children
Loaves of black bread
In Works (Chapman) Well of St. Clare
In Works (Chapman) Well of St. Clare
Rudwin, M. J. ed. Devil stories
Madame de Luzy
In Works (Chapman) Mother of pearl
Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket
Mademoiselle de Doucine's New Year's present
In Works (Chapman) Merrie tales of Jacques Tournebroche
Mademoiselle Roxane
In Works (Chapman) Merrie tales of Jacques Tounebroche
Manuscript of a village doctor (Village doctor's manuscript
In Works (Chapman) Mother of pearl
Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket
In Our children
Mass of the shades. See France, A. Mass of shadows
Mass of shadows (Mass of the shades)
In Works (Chapman) Mother of pearl
Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket
Scarborough, D. ed. Famous modern ghost stories
Master. See France, A. Merry-hearted Buffalmacca
Meditations of Riquet
In Works (Chapman) Crainquebille
Crainquebille, Putois, etc.
Memoirs of a volunteer
In [Works. Chapman] Mother of pearl
Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket
Merry-hearted Buffalmacca. 1. Cockroaches; 2. Ascending up the Andria Tafi. 3. Master; 4. Painter
In Works (Chapman) Well of St. Clare
Messer Guido Cavalcanti
In Works (Chapman) Well of St. Clare
Miracle of the great St. Nicholas
In Works (Chapman) Seven wives of Bluebeard
Seven wives of Bluebeard and other marvellous tales
Miracle of the magpie
In Works (Chapman) Merrie tales of Jacques Tournebroche
M. Pigeoneau
In Works (Chapman) Balthasar
Monsieur Thomas
In Works (Chapman) Crainquebille
Crainquebille, Putois, etc.
Montil manoevres
In Works (Chapman) Crainquebille
Crainquebille, Putois, etc.
Mystic blood
In Works (Chapman) Well of St. Clare
In Works (Chapman) Crainquebille
Crainquebille, Putois, etc.
Ocean Christ
In Works (Chapman) Crainquebille
Crainquebille, Putois, etc.
Olivier's brag
In Works (Chapman) Merrie tales of Jacques Tournebroche
Our Lady's juggler (Juggler of Notre Dame)
In Works (Chapman) Mother of pearl
Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket
Esenwein, J. B. Short story masterpieces v 2
Stories by foreign authors, French v 1
Lippinc 90:102
Painter. See France, A. Merry-hearted Buffalmacca
In Our children
Paul Verlaine. See France, A. Gestas
Procurator of Judaea
In Works (Chapman) Mother of pearl
Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket
Wright, W. H. ed. Great modern French stories
In Works (Chapman) Crainquebille
Crainquebille, Putois, etc.
Red egg
In Works (Chapman) Balthasar
Red Riding-Hood up-to-date
In Touchstone 4:179
In Works (Chapman) Crainquebille
Crainquebille, Putois. etc.
Roger's stable
In Our children
St. Euphrosine
In Works (Chapman) Mother of pearl
Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket
San Satiro
In Works (Chapman) Well of St. Clare
Satan's tongue-pie
In Works (Chapman) Merrie tales of Jacques Tournebroche
In Our children
In Works (Chapman) Mother of pearl
Tales from a mother-of-pearl casket
Servant's theft
In Works (Chapman) Crainquebille
Crainquebille, Putois, etc.