Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/287

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Great census. See Kipling, R. Smith administration
Griffiths the safe man
In [Works] Abaft the funnel [Doubleday]
Habitation enforced
In [Works] Actions and reactions [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
Cent 70:617
Hal o' the draft
In [Works] Puck of Pook's Hill [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
McClure 27:413
Hands of justice. See Kipling, R. Smith administration
Haunted subalterns
In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
Head of the district
In [Works] Life's handicap [Doubleday]
[Works] In black and white (Outward bound)
Mine own people [Caldwell]; [Nottingham Soc.]
Macmillan's M 61:228
Her little responsibility
In [Works] Abaft the funnel [Doubleday]
Her majesty's servants
In [Works] Jungle book. First [Doubleday]
[Works] Jungle book. Second (Outward bound)
Pall Mall M 2:794
Hill of illusion
In [Works] Under the deodars [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
Under the deodars [Caldwell]; [Lovells 189-]; [Nottingham Soc.]; [U. S. Book Co.]
His brother's keeper
In [Works] Abaft the funnel [Doubleday]
His chance in life
In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
His majesty the king
In [Works] Under the deodars [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
Phantom 'rickshaw [Altemus]; [Lovell 189-]
Wee Willie Winkie [Caldwell]; [Lovell 189-]
His private honour
In [Works] Many inventions [Doubleday]
[Works] Soldiers three pt 1 (Outward bound)
Eclectic M 117:768
Macmillan's M 64:464
His wedded wife
In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, English-Scotch
History of a fall
In [Works] Abaft the funnel [Doubleday]
Honours of war
In Diversity of creatures
Horse marines
In Diversity of creatures
House surgeon
In [Works] Actions and reactions [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
Harper 119:489, 720
How fear came
In [Works] Jungle book. Second [Doubleday]
[Works] Jungle book. First (Outward bound)
How the alphabet was made
In [Works] Just so stories [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
How the camel got his hump
In [Works] Just so stories [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
How the first letter was written
In [Works] Just so stories [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
Ladies' H J 19:11 D '01
How the leopard got his spots
In [Works] Just so stories [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
Ladies' H J 18:3 O '01
How the rhinoceros got his skin
In [Works] Just so stories [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
How the whale got his skin
In [Works] Just so stories [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
In [Works] Stalky & Co. [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
In ambush
In [Works] Stalky & Co. [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
McClure 11:307
In an opium factory
In [Works] From sea to sea pt 2 (Outward bound)
In error
In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
In flood time
In [Works] Soldiers three [Doubleday]
[Works] In black and white (Outward bound)
In the house of Suddhoo
In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)
Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, English-Scotch
In the interests of the brethren
In Metropol 49:31 D '18
In the matter of a private
In [Works] Soldiers three [Doubleday]
[Works] Soldiers three pt 2 (Outward bound)
Soldiers three [Lovell]
Under the deodars [Caldwell]; [Nottingham Soc.]
In the presence
In Diversity of creatures
Everybody's 26:307
In the pride of youth
In [Works] Plain tales from the hills [Doubleday]; (Outward bound)