Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/353

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Message from the sea. Gorky, M.
Message in the sand. Fox, J., jr.
Message of the lilies. Peattie, E. W.
Messenger. Andrews, M. R. S.
Messenger. Blackwood, A.
Messenger. Chambers, R. W.
Messenger. Robins, E.
Messenger in mufti. Pemberton, M.
Messengers. Davis, Richard H.
Messengers. Johnston, C.
Messengers at the window. Van Dyke, H.
Messer Cino and the live coal. Hewlett, M. H.
Messer Guido Cavalcanti. France, A.
Messrs. Jonnice, Peters, Gipple and Brily. Bierce, A.
Metamorphoses of Johnson. Barr, R.
Methusaleh. Field, E.
Metzengerstein. Poe, E. A.
Mexican. London, J.
Mexican campaign. Janvier, T. A.
Mexican night. Janvier, T. A.
Meyrink, Gustav Meyer, 1868-
Man in the bottle
In Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, German
Michaeleen! Michaelawn! Hughes, R.
Michel and Angele. Parker, G.
Michel Lorio's cross. Stretton, H.
Michelson, Miriam, 1870-
Ancestry of Irene
In The Madigans
Cent 68:421
Awakening of Zojas
In Awakening of Zojas
Cecilia the Pharisee
In The Madigans
Cent 68:192
In Awakening of Zojas
Father of a full-back
In Munsey 30:433
Greatness of Helena
In Ladies' H J 23:11 Ag '06
Kate: a pretense
In The Madigans
Last straw
In The Madigans
Mag Haggerty's knight
In Reader 5:79
Martyrdom of man
In The Madigans
Merry, merry Zingara
In The Madigans
Cent 68:720
Old bachelor of arts
In Ladies' H J 22:14 Je '05
Old mother Gibson
In The Madigans
Pagan and a puritan
In The Madigans
Cent 68:639
Peach blossoms
In Awakening of Zojas
Prince Roseleaf and a girl from Kansas
In McClure 22:339
Ready letter-writer
In The Madigans
Cent 68:913
In The Madigans
In Awakening of Zojas
That list of Bassett's
In Sat Eve Post 178:5 Ag 26 '05
Michigan man. Peattie, E. W.
Micobar bullion case. Morrison, A.
Micromegas. Voltaire, F. M. de A.
Mid-day magic. Heyse, P. J. L.
Mid-summer. See Midsummer
Mid-Victorian. Brown, A.
Middle hall. Stuart, R. M.
Middle toe of the right foot, Bierce, A.
Middle years. James, H.
Middleman. Benson, E. F.
Middleton, R.
Ghost ship
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Great modern English stories
Midge. Bunner, H. C.
Midnight. Curie, R.
Midnight fantasy. Aldrich, T. B.
Midnight free-traders. Crockett, S. R.
Midnight in Beauchamp row. Green, A. K.
Midnight message. See Futrelle, J. Interrupted wireless
Midnight visitor. Bangs, J. K.
Midshipmen's mess. Seawell, M. E.
Midsummer and May. Spofford, H. P.
Mid-summer evening. Gogol, N. V.
Midsummer fires, Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Midsummer knight's dream. Henry, O.
Midsummer knight's dream. Gale, Z.
Midsummer masquerade. Henry, O.
Midsummer midnight. Matthews, J. B.
Midsummer night's dream. Lamb, C.
Midsummer pirates. Davis, Richard H.
Midsummer week's dream. Wharton, E.
Midsummertide. Strindberg, J. A.
Miggles. Harte, B.
Miggy, Gale, Z.
Mighels, Philip Verrill, 1869-1911
Little pioneer
In Howells, W. D., and Alden, H. M.
Under the sunset
Might of motherhood. Gorky, M.
Mighty Rpurke. Dreiser, T.
Mighty trifle. Lewis, M. C.
Mikhael, Ephraim 1866-1890
In Merrill, S. Pastels in prose
In Merrill, S. Pastels in prose
In Merrill, S. Pastels in prose
In Merrill, S. Pastels in prose
Mikkel. Boyesen, H. H.
Mikszath, Kolomon
Trip to the other world
In Underwood, E. W. tr. Short stories from the Balkans
Fiddlers three
In Underwood, E. W. tr. Short stories from the Balkans
Milady. Stuart, R. M.
Mildred Lawson, Moore, G.