Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/387

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Pan. Huneker, J. G.
Pan and the crusader, Sherwood, M. P.
Pan-pipes. France, A.
Pangborn, Georgia Wood (Mrs. H. L. Pangborn) 1872-
Alice and May
In Harper 129:61
Andy MacPherson's house
In Romance 2:78 Ag '20
At Ephesus
In Interventions
Collier's 36:16 F 17 '06
Bixby's bridge
In Harper 134:509
Broken glass
In Interventions
Scrib M 50:246
By the Sawyer method
In Interventions
Collier's 39:22 Ap 27 '07
In Harper 128:304
Children of Mount Pyb
In Harper 140:98
Convalescence of Gerald
In Interventions
Scrib M 35:496
In Interventions
Everybody's 15:302
Doubting castle
In Bookm 23:492
E. Holbrookes patience
In Interventions
Appleton's M 8:139
In Interventions
Scrib M 46:272
Fourth watch
In Bookm 24:251
Furnace man
In Scrib M 53:483
Ghost flower
In Bookm 26:310
Grasshopper's harvest
In Ladies' H J 37:30 N '20
Gray collie
In Interventions
Scrib M 34:95
Haunted coat
In Collier's 38:21 N 10 '06
Her business manager
In Collier's 41:10 Jl 18 '08
Ice storm
In Woman's H C 45:15 Mr '18
In Harper 115:112
In Interventions
Collier's 38:20 Mr 23 '07
Masquerade island
In Scrib M 54:696
In Scrib M 55:583
In Woman's H C 49:32 D '22
Ogre's tragedy
In Delin 65:652
Orris island
In Woman's H C 47:18 D '20
Out of the question
In McBride's 96:73 S '15
In Harper 118:294
Rasselas in the vegetable garden
In Interventions
Collier's 36:13 D 16 '05
In Harper 134:41
Ring of the great wish
In Forum 51:737
Robin Hood
In Collier's 52:17 N 8 '13
Rubber stamp
In Interventions
Scrib M 50:307
Son of the woods
In Interventions
Collier's 39:13 Ag 24 '07
In Harper 130:59
Tempered wind
In Interventions
Collier's 37:16 My 26 '06
Thirty years' ghost
In Lippinc 96:94 Jl '15
Timothy Mapleton's careers
In Woman's H C 44:21 Ap '17
Toys' little day
In Harper 128:114
Turned out to grass
In Interventions
Harper 114:277
Twilight gardener
In Touchstone 1:160
When the ice went out
In Romance 2:72 My '20
Panama gold chests. Stringer, A. J.
Panch-Phus Ranee. Frere, M.
Pancha; a story of Monterey. Janvier, T. A.
Pancrazia's hair. Hichens, R. S.
Pandolfo del Nero is buried alive with his lady. Bandello, M.
Pandora. James, H.
Pango Wango. See Parker, G. How Pango Wango was annexed
Panhandle and and the ghosts. Jacks, L. P.
Panic fears. Chekhov, A. P.
Panic of the lion. Lefèvre, E.
Pansies. Sedgwick, A. D.
Pansies and water-lilies. Alcott, L. M.
Pansy Billings. Jackson, H. H.
Pansy vase. Moulton, L. C.
Panther: a conquest of heredity. Corelli, M.
Panther; a tale of temptation. French, A. W.
Panther of Jolton's ridge. Craddock, C. E.
Panting after Christopher. Phillpotts, E.
Papadiamanty, A.
She that was homesick
In Brown, D. and Phoutrides, A. Modern Greek stories
Papa's stratagem, Herrick, R.
Papered door. Rinehart, M. R.
Papers. James, H.
Papini, Giovanni, 1881-
Beggar of souls
In Stratford J 4:59
Papoose. Hibbard, G. A.