Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/468

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Tar-baby. See Harris, J. C. Wonderful tarbaby story
Tarbell, Ida Minerva, 1857-
Back in '58
In He knew Lincoln and other Billy
Brown stories
Father Abraham
In He knew Lincoln and other Billy
Brown stories
He knew Lincoln
In He knew Lincoln
He knew Lincoln and other Billy
Brown stories
Am M 63:339
In Lincoln's chair
In He knew Lincoln and other Billy
Brown stories
Tardy Thanksgiving. Freeman, M. E. W.
Tarkington, Booth, i.e. Newton Booth, 1869-
In In the arena
McClure 22:389
At home to his friends
In Metropol 41:26 Jl '15
Beasley and the Hunchbergs. See Tarkington, B. Beasley's Christmas party
Beasley's Christmas party
In Beasley's Christhmas party
Cosmopol 40:115
Beautiful lady
In Works v 9
Beautiful lady
Harper 110:38, 195
Beauty and the Jacobin
In Works v 9
Beauty and the Jacobin
Harper 125:390, 539
Big fat lummox
In Metropol 43:18 N '15
In Cosmopol 58:114 Ja '15
Boss Gorgett
In In the arena
Everybody's 9:718
Boy in the air
In Cosmopol 55:585
Bride to be
In Metropol 43:14 Mr '16
Brothers of angels
In Cosmopol 56:74
Brudie's pickle
In Works v 8
Harlequin and Columbine and other stories
Everybody's 35:304
In Cherry
Harper 102:240, 406
Clothes make the man
In Metropol 43:22 Ja '16
Dishonorable dolls
In Metropol 51:14 Ap '20
Empty house
In Metropol 40:20 Je '14
Fairy coronet
In Works v 8
Harlequin and Columbine and other stories
Metropol 45:7 Mr '17
Fairy father
In Metropol 41:11 Ap '15
Fall of Georgie Bassett
In Cosmopol 56:340
Farewell party
In Metropol 43:14 F '16
Gipsy (from "Penrod and Sam")
In Van Vechten, C. ed. Lords of the housetops
In Collier's 62:7 D 14 '18
In Metropol 50:13 Ag '19
Great men's sons
In In the arena
Guest of Quesney
In Everybody's 17:601
Harlequin and Columbine
In Works v 8
Harlequin and Columbine and other stories
In In the arena
Everybody's 11:769
His own people
In Works v 9
His own people
In Red Book 37:27 My '21
Kisses of Marjorie (play)
In Works v 9
Ladies' ways
In Red Book 37:33 O '21
Lawrence and Roger
In Red Book 37:32 Je '21
In Collier's 34:12 O 22 '04
Little gentleman
In Cosmopol 56:208
Little sister
In Metropol 41:23 Mr '15
Lord Jerningham
In Works v 9
Everybody's 13:734
Marjorie Jones' picnic
In Works v 8
Harlequin and Columbine and other stories
Mary Smith
In Works v 8
Harlequin and Columbine and other stories
Sat Eve Post 185:3 Ag 17 '12
Maud and Bill
In Everybody's 35:656
Maytime in Marlow
In Everybody's 35:513
Mr. Brooke
In Works v 9
Mrs. Protheroe
In In the arena
Everybody's 24:408
Monsieur Beaucaire
In Works v 9 f
Monsieur Beaucaire
McClure 14:158, 247
Need of money
In In the arena
McClure 24:70