Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/535

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Knave of hearts; a fairy story. ig8p '86 Ticknor
Law-breakers, and other stories. 277p $1.25 '06 Scribner
Gray, David
Ensign Russell. 16mo 241p '12 Century
Gallops. 226p $1.25 '98 Century
Gallops 2. 255p $1.25 '03 Century
Mr. Carteret, and others. 218p $1.00 '10 Century
Green, A. K.
Amethyst box. 151p '05 Bobbs-Merrill
Difficult problem, and other stories. 344p '00 New York, Lupton
Doctor, his wife, and the clock. 131p '95 Putnam
Golden slipper, and other problems for Violet
Strange. 425p $1.35 '15 Putnam
House in the mist. 149p '05 Bobbs-Merrill
Old stone house, and other stories. 202p 75c '91 Putnam
7-12; a detective story. 114p '87 Putnam
Three thousand dollars. 157p $1.00 '10 Badger
To the minute, Scarlet and black; two tales of life's perplexities. . . 8vo 226p $1.00 '16 Putnam
X Y Z; a detective story. 97p '83 Putnam
Greene, Frederick, Stuart, ed.
Grim thirteen; short stories, by thirteen authors of standing, ed. by Frederick Stuart Greene; with an introd. by Edward J. O'Brien. . . 12mo 385p '17 Dodd
Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason
Labrador days; tales of the sea toilers. 230p $1.50 '19 Houghton
Tales of the Labrador. . . 239p $1.25 '16 Houghton
Off the rocks; stories of the deep-sea fisherfolk of Labrador. 203p '06 Philadelphia, Sunday School Times co
Gunnarson, Gunnar
Guest the One-eyed; tr. from the Danish ... by W. W. Worster. 340p '22 Knopf

Haggard, H. R.
Allan the hunter; a tale of three lions and Prince, another lion, 111p '98 Lothrop
Elissa; the doom of Zimbabwe. Black Heart and White Heart; a Zulu idyll. 246, 105p $1.25 '00 Longmans
Mahatma and the hare; a dream story. 165p $1.00 '11 Holt
Maiwa's revenge. 157p '88 Harper
Missionary and the witch-doctor. 12mo 64p '20 New York, Paget
Smith and the pharaohs and other tales. . . 12mo 316p '21 Longmans
Tales of three lions. 58p New York, Lovell
Hale, E. E.
Works. 10v $1.50 each '98-'01 Little
Aunt Caroline's present. 36p '95 Boston, J. S. Smith
Back to back. A story of today. 98p '78 Harper
Brick-moon, and other stories. 569p $1.50 '99 Little
Christmas eve and Christmas day. 294p '73 Roberts
Christmas in Narragansett. 293p Funk
Colonel Clipsham's calendar. 51p '95 Boston, Smith
Crusoe in New York, and other tales. 259p '80 Roberts
Daily bread; a story of a snow blockade. 44p '88 Boston, Smith
Four and five; a story of a Lend-a-hand club. 194p '91 Roberta
Hands off. 30p '95 Boston, Smith
His level best, and other stories. 293p '77 Roberts
If, yes, and perhaps. Four possibilities and six exaggerations, with some bits of fact. 296p '74 Boston, Osgood
In His name. 268p $1.50 '01 Little
Man without a country, and other stories. 397p $1.50 '98 Little
My double and how he undid me. 50p '95 Boston, Lawson
My friend the boss. A story of today. 191p '88 Boston, Smith
One good turn. 37p '93 Boston, Smith
Red and white; a Christmas story. 41p '87 Boston, Smith
Safe deposit. 43p '95 Boston, Smith
Susan's escort, and others. 416p '97 Harper
Ten times one is ten. 439p $1.50 '99 Little
Hallstrom, Per A. L.
Short stories tr. from the Swedish by F. J. Fielden. . . 12mo 293p '22 Scandinavian Foundation
Harben, w. N.
Mute confessor; the romance of a southern town. 92p '00 New York, Street & Smith
North walk mystery. 178p '79 New York, Street & Smith
Northern Georgia sketches. 305p '00 McClurg
Halévy, Ludovic
Abbe Constantin, and other stories. 311p $1.00 '95 Burt
Autumn manoeuvres. 239p '98 New York, Richmond
Catherine Duval; sketches of Paris life. 203p '99 Page
Marriage for love. 98p '90 Dodd
Parisian points of view. 195p $1.00 '94 Harper
Hardy, Arthur Sherburne
Diane and her friends. 298p '14 Houghton
Hardy, Thomas
Changed man; The waiting supper, and other tales. 405p $1.35 '13 Harper
Group of noble dames. 292p $1.50 '91 Harper
Life's little ironies. 268p $1.50 '94 Harper
Romantic adventures of a milkmaid. A novel. 180 '83 New York, Munro
Wessex tales. 214p $1.50 '88 Harper
Harland, Henry
Comedies and errors. 344p $1.30 '98 Lane
Gray roses. 208p $1.25 '95 Roberts
Latin-quarter courtship. 269p '89 Cassell
Mademoiselle Miss, and other stories. 102p $1.25 '04 Lane
Two voices. 106p '90 Cassell
Harraden, Beatrice
In varying moods. 286p '94 Putnam
Little Rosebud; or, Things will take a turn. 131p '98 Boston, Estes
Thirteen all told. 12mo. 249p '21 London, Methuen
Umbrella mender. 17p '94 New York, Ogilvie
Untold tales of the past. 243p '97 Dodd
Harris, J. C.
Balaam and his master, and other sketches and stories. 293p $1.25 '91 Houghton
Bishop and the boogerman. 184p $1.00 '09 Doubleday
Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann. 210p $1.35 '99 Scribner
Daddy Jake the runaway, and short stories told after dark. 198p $1.25 '04 Century
Free Joe, and other Georgian sketches. 236p $1.00 '87 Scribner
Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his queer country. 230p $1.80 '94 Houghton
Little Union scout. 181p '04 McClure
Making of a statesman, and other stories. 246p '02 McClure
Mingo, and other sketches in black and white. 273p '84 Osgood
Mr. Rabbit at home; a sequel to Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his queer country. 304p $1.80 Houghton
Nights with Uncle Remus; myths and legends of the old plantation. 416p '83 Boston, Osgood
On the wing of occasions. 310p '00 Doubleday
Plantation pageants. 8vo 247p '99 Houghton
Plantation printer; the adventures of a Georgia boy during the war. 191p '92 London. Osgood
Shadow between his shoulder-blades. 132p 50c '09 Boston, Small
Story of Aaron (so named) the son of Ben AH, told by his friends and acquaintances. 198p $1.80 '96 Houghton
Tales of home folks in peace and war. 417p $1.35 '98 Houghton
Told by Uncle Remus; new stories of the old plantation. 295p $2.00 '05 McClure
Uncle Remus and his friends. 357p $1.40 '92 Houghton
Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings. 265p $2.00 '11 Appleton
Uncle Remus returns. . . 8vo 174p $1.35 '18 Houghton
Harrison, C. C.
Belhaven tales. 212p '92 Century
Carcellini emerald, with other tales. 314p '99 New York, Stone
Daughter of the South, and shorter stories. aSip '92 Cassell
Edelweiss of the Sierras, and other tales. 209p '92 Harper
Golden-rod, an idyl of Mount Desert. 115p '80
Merry maid of Arcady, and other stories. 34p '97 Boston, Wolfe
Unwelcome Mrs. Hatch. 70p '01 New York, Burgoyne
Virginia cousin; and Bar Harbor tales. 202p '95 Boston, Wolfe