Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/539

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Kouyoumadjan, Dikran
London venture, by Michael Arlen [pseud.] . . . 12mo 188p $1.50 '20 Dodd
Romantic lady, by Michael Arden [pseud.]. 12mo 248p '16 Boston, Luce
Kuprin, Alexsandr Ivanovich
Bracelet of garnets, and other stories; authorized tr. by Leo Pasvolsky . . . 12mo 266p '17 Scribner
River of life, and other stories; tr. from the Russian by S. Koteliansky and J. M. Murry 248p '16 Boston. Luce
Slav soul, and other stories. '16 Putnam

Lagerlöf, Selma
Christ legends; tr. by V. S. Howard. 272p $1.23 '08 Holt
From a Swedish homestead; tr. by J. Brochner 376p '01 McClure
Girl from the Marsh croft; tr. by V. S. Howard 277p $1.50 '10 Little
Invisible links; tr. by B. B. Flach. 286p $1.50 '12 Little
Legend of the sacred image; tr. by V. S. Howard 16mo 44p '14 Holt
Queens at Kungahalla, and other sketches; tr. by C. Field . . . 12mo '17 London, T. Werner Laurie
Thy soul shall bear witness! . . . tr. by William Frederick Harvey. 12mo 190p '21 London, Frederick Harvey
Lamb, Charles
Life, letters, and writings. (Temple ed.) 6v '95 London, Gibbings
Works of Charles and Mary Lamb. Ed. by E. V. Lucas 7v '03 Putnam
[Works.] Ed. by William MacDonald 12v '07 Dutton
Essays of Elia. (Any ed.)
Lamb, Mary
See Lamb, Charles. Works of Charles and Mary Lamb. Lucas
La Motte Fouqué, F. H. K.
Aslauga's knight, a romance. 42p '46 London, Lumley
Lang, Andrew
Disentanglers. 418p $1.50 '02 Longmans
Lawrence, David Herbert
England, my England, and other stories. 12mo 273p '22 New York, Seltzer
Prussian officer, and other stories. 12mo 310p '14 London, Duckorth
Lefèvre, Edwin
Golden flood. 199p $1.00 '05 McClure
Plunderers, a novel. 333p '16 Harper
Wall street stories. 224p '01 McClure
Le Gallienne, Richard
Maker of rainbows, and other fairy tales and fables. $1.25 '12 Harper
Painted shadows. '04 Little
Romances of old France. 175p '05 Baker & Taylor
Lewald-Stahr, Fanny
Stories and novels, 91p (c '85) Chicago, Schich
Lewis, A. H.
Apaches of New York. 272p 50c '12 Dillingham
Faro Nell and her friends; Wolfville stories. 348p $1.25 '13 Dillingham
Wolfville. 337p $1.50 '97 Stokes
Wolfville days. 311p $1.50 '02 Stokes
Wolfville nights. 326p $1.50 '02 Stokes
Lie, Jonas L. I.
Weird tales from the northern seas; tr. from the Danish . . . by R. Nisbert Bain . . . 8vo 201p '93 London, Paul Trench
Lewis, Margaret Cameron
Bachelor and the baby. 42p 50c '08 Harper
Cat and the canary. 62p $1.00 '08 Harper
Comedies in miniature 376p $1.25 '03 McClure
Golden rule Dollivers. 187p $1.00 '13 Harper
Tangles; tales of some droll predicaments. 367p $1.30 '12 Harper
Liljencrantz, O. A.
Viking's love, and other tales of the North. 74p '11 McClirg
Lindau, Rudolf
Gordon Baldwin, and The philosopher's pendulum. 163p '78 Appletons
Liquidated, and The seer. 179p '78 Appleton
Our little world; tr. by C. D. Wilder 149p '89 St. Paul, McGill
Stories and novels. 94p '85 Chicago, Schich
Litchfield, G. D.
Knight of the Black Forest. 169p 75c '85 Putnam
Little Venice, and other stories. 298p 75c '90 Putnam
Locke, William John
Apostle. 12mo 32p '21 Lane
Christmas mystery; the story of three wise men. 54p $1.25 '10 Lane
Demagogue and Lady Phayre. 155p (c '95) New York, Arnold
Far-away stories. (Contents of 1916 edition not quite the same) 12mo 265p '19 Lane
Viviette . . . 12mo 198p $1.00 '16 Lane
London, Jack
Brown Wolf, and other Jack London stories as chosen by Franklin K. Mathiews . . . 12mo 312p '20 Macmillan
Children of the frost. $1.50 '02 Macmillan
Dutch courage and other stories. 12mo iSop '22 Macmillan
Faith of men, and other stories. 286p $1.50 '04 Macmillan
Game. 182p $1.50 '05 Macmillan
God of his fathers, and other stories. 12mo 200p '09 Doubleday
House of pride, and other tales of Hawaii. 232p $1.20 '12 Macmillan
Lost face. 240p $1.50 '10 Macmillan
Love of life, and other stories. 265p $1.50 '06 Maemillan
Moon-face, and other stories. 273p $1.50 '06 Macm millan
Night-born. 290p $1.25 'i 3 Century
On the Makaloa mat . . . 12mo 229p '19 Macmillan
Red one. 193p $1.40 '18 Macmillan
Scarlet plague . . . 12mo 181p $1.00 '15 Macmillan
Smoke Bellew . . . 12mo 385p $1.30 '12 Century
Son of the sun. 333p $1.20 'ia Doubleday
Son of the wolf; tales of the far North 251p $1.35 '00 Houghton
South Sea tales. 327p $1.25 '11 Macmillan
Strength of the strong. 257p $1.25 '14 Macmillan
Tales of the fish patrol. 243p $1.50 '05 Macmillan
Turtles of Tasman. 268p $1.25 net '16 Macmillan
When God laughs, and other stories. 319p $1.50 '11 Macmillan
Long, J. L.
Baby grand. $1.25 '12 Badger
Bully-Boy; a study in responsibilities. 74p $1.25 '06 Dodd
Felice. 156p $1.00 '08 Moffat
Heimweh. 34p '05 Macmillan
Little Miss Joy-Sing; how she became the beautiful pine tree in the garden of Prince Don't Care What. 148p '04 Altemus
Madame Butterfly. 224p $1.25 '98 Centry
Prince of illusion . . . 12mo 304p '01 Century
Seffy, a little com edy of country manners. 143p $1.50 '05 Bobbs-Merrill
Sixty Jane, and The strike on the Schlafeplatz railroad. 208p $1.25 '03 Century
Loomis, C. B.
Araminta and the automobile . . . 12mo 11-93p '07 Crowell
Cheerful Americans. 299p $1.25 '03 Holt
Holiday touch and other tales of undaunted Americans. 12mo 327p '08 Holt
Little Maude and her Mama. 43p 50c '09 Doubleday
More cheerful Americans. 284p $1.25 '04 Halt
[Third edition published under title Poe's "Raven" in an elevator.]
Poe's "Raven" in an elevator and other tales, being the 3d ed. of More cheerful Americans. 12mo 284p '07 Holt
Yankee enchantments. 328p '00 McClure
Longfellow, H. W.
Complete prose works. {Riverside ed.) 2v $3,00 Houghton [v 1 Outre-mer]
Lowndes, Mrs. Marie Adelaide (Belloc)
Red cross barge . . . 12mo 197p '16 London, Smith, Elder
Studies in love and in terror, 12mo 299p '13 Scribner
Studies in wives. 12mo 318p $1.50 (c 1910) Kennerley