Page:Index To Short Stories 1923.djvu/544

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Marie de Berniere; a tale of the Crescent city. etc. etc. 422p '53 Lippincott
Maroon; a legend of the Caribbees, and other tales. 422p '55 Lippincott
Martin Faber; the story of a criminal. 189p '33 Harper
Wigwam and the cabin. Ser. 1-2 '45 New York, Wiley
Sinclair, May
Flaw in the crystal. 12mo 197p $1.10 '12 Dutton
Judgment of Eve, and other stories, 12mo 323p '14 London, Hutchinson
Life and death of Harriett Frean. 12mo 133p '22 Macmillan
Return of the prodigal, 12mo 362p $1.35 '14 Macmillan
Superseded. 12mo 175p '06 Holt
Singmaster, Elsie
Emmeline. 154p $1.00 '16 Houghton
Gettysburg, 190p $1.00 '13 Houghton
John Barnig's house. 12mo 156p $1.50 '20 Houghton
Long journey. 12mo 190p $1.00 '17 Houghton
When Sarah saved the day. . . 12mo 135p $1.00 '09 Houghton
When Sarah went to school . . . 12mo 188p $1.00 '10 Houghton
Slosson, Mrs. A. T.
Aunt Abby's neighbors. 170p 50c '02 Revell
Aunt Liefy. 50p '92 New York, Randolph
Dissatisfied soul, and A prophetic romancer. 89p '08 Silver
Dumb foxglove, and other stories. 217p $1.25 '98 Harper
Fishin' Jimmy. 66p 30c '03 Scribner
Little shepherd of Bethlehem . . . 8vo 38p 50c '14 Philadelphia, Sunday School Times
Local colorist. 147p 75c '12 Scribner
Seven dreamers. 281p $1.25 '90 Harper
Simples from the Master's garden. 142p '07 Philadelphia, Sunday School Times
Story-tell Lib. 79p 50c '00 Scribner
White Christopher. 66p '01 New York, Pott
Smith, A. C.
Monk and the dancer. 241p $1.25 '00 Scribner
Turquoise cup, and The desert. 209p $1.35 '03 Scribner
Smith, F. H.
Novels, stories and sketches (Beacon ed.) 15v '02 Scribner
Arm-chair at the inn. 357p '12 Scribner
At close range. 260p $1.35 '05 Scribner
Colonel Carter of Cartersville. 208p $1.25 V Houghton
Colonel Carter's Christmas. 149p $1.35 '03 Scribner
Day at Laguerre's, and other days. 190p $1.25 '92 Houghton
Forty minutes late, and other stories. 224p $1.35 '00 Scribner
Gentleman vagabond, and some others. 182p $1.25 '95 Cambridge, Riverside Press
Gondola days. 205p $1.50 '97 Houghton
Other fellow. 218p $1.35 '99 Houghton
Romance of an old-fashioned gentleman. $1.35 '07 Scribner
Under dog. 332p $1.35 '03 Scribner
Veiled lady, and other men and women. 205p $1.35 '07 Scribner '07 Scribner
Wood-fire in No. 3. 298p $1.35 '05 Scribner
Smith, Gordon Arthur
Pagan. 12mo 364p '20 Scribner
Spofford, H. P.
Amber gods, and other stories. 423p '63 Ticknor
Elder's people 12mo 334p %1.75 '20 Houghton
Hester Stanley at St. Maks. 12m 194p '82 Boston, Roberts
Inheritance. 172p 75c '97 Scribner
Lost jewel. 159p '91 Boston, Lee
Making of a fortune, 113p $1.00 '11 Harper
Master spirit. 12mo 135p '96 Scribner
Old madame, and other tragedies. 302p $1.25 Badger
Old Washington. 279p '06 Little
Priscillas love-story. 129p '98 New York, Stone
Scarlet poppy, and other stories. 283p $1.25 '01 Harper
That Betty. 200p 50c '03 Revell
Spofford, H. P., and others
Three heroines of New England romance. 175p '94 Little
Stetson, G. E. C.
Fortune of a day. 319p '00 Chicago, Stone
Sister of a saint, and other stories. 261p '95 Chicago, Stone
Stevenson, R. L.
[Works] (Thistle ed.) 24v '95-'01 Scribner
Best of Stevenson, ed. by Alexander Jessup 390p '02 Page
Dynamiter [More New Arabian Nights], by Robert
Louis Stevenson and Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson. 297p '05 Scribner
Ebb-tide (Biographical ed.) 271p $1.00 '05 Scribner
Fables. 82p $1.00 '10 Scribner
Island nights' entertainments. $1.00 '93 Scribner
Lodging for the night. 68p '02 Portland, Mosher
Merry men. 407p $1.00 '04 Scribner
Misadventures of John Nicholson; a Christmas story. 86p '87 New York, Munro
New Arabian nights. 329p $1.00 '06 Scribner
Sire de Maletroit's door. 57p '00 Port Scribner
Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 189p '04 New York, Scott-Thaw
Suicide club. 174p '96 Scribner
Thrawn Janet: Markheim; two tales. 74p '06 Portland, Mosher
Weir of Hermiston, an unfinished romance. 266p $1.25 '96 Scribner
Will o' the mill. 67p '00 Portland, Mosher
Stevenson, R. L., and others
Object of pity; or, The man Haggard. 68p '00 Dodd
Stockton, F. R.
Novels and stories. 23v '99-'04 Scribner
Amos Kilbright; his adscititious experiences, with other stories. 146p $1.25 '88 Scribner
Bee-man of Orn, and other fanciful tales 193p $1.25 '87 Scribner
Chosen few; short stories. 240p $1.25 '95 Scribner
Clocks of Rondame, and other stories. 174p $1.35 '92 Scribner
Fanciful tales. 135p 50c '94 Scribner
Floating prince, and other fairy tales. 199p $1.35 '04 Scribner
Great war syndicate. 288p '00 Scribner
John Gayther's garden and the stories told therein 365p $1.35 '92 Scribner
Lady, or the tiger? 201p $1.25 '84 Scribner
Magic egg, and other stories. 302p '07 Scribner
Merry chanter. 192$ $1.00 '90 Century
Queen's museum, and other fanciful tales. 219p $1.25 '06 Scribner
Rudder Grangers abroad, and other stories. 195p $1.25 '91 Scribner
Stockton's stories. 2v '86 Scribner
Stories of three burglars. 159$ '89 Dodd
Story of Viteau. 193p $1.35 '84 Scribner
Story-teller's pack. 380p $1.35 '97 Scribner
Tales out of school. 325p $1.35 '05 Scribner
Watcnmaker s wife. 225p $1.25 '93 Scribner
Stowe, H. B.
Writings. 16v (c '96) Houghton
Betty's bright idea. 121p '76 New York, J. B. Ford
May flower, and miscellaneous writings. 4.710 '81 Houghton
Sam Lawson's Oldtown fireside stories. 287p $1.50 '99 Houghton
Strindberg, August
Easter (a play), and stories. 263p '12 Cincinnati, Stewart
German lieutenant, and other stories. 295p '15 McClurg
In midsummer days; tr. by Ellie Schleussner. 176p '13 London, Latimer
Married; twenty stories of married life; tr. by Llhe Schleussner. 412p '13 Boston, Luce
Stringer, Arthur J[ohn Arbuthnott]
Man who couldn't sleep. . . 12mo $1.75 (c '19) Bobbs-Merrill
Twin tales: Are all men alike and The lost Titian. 12mo 288p (c '21) Bobbs-Merrill
Stuart, R. M.
Aunt Amity's silver wedding, and other stories. 288p $1.00 '00 Century
Carlotta's intended, and other tales. 277p $1.50 '94 Harper
Cocoon; a rest-cure comedy. . . 12mo 190p $1.00 (c '15) New York, Hearst's International Library co.
George Washington Jones, a Christmas gift that went a-begging. 147p '03 Altemus
Golden wedding, and other tales. 366p '93 Harper
Haunted photograph, and other stories. 168p $1.00 '11 Century